Location (see map)
Services at Grace Bible Church in Rolla are being held at 902 Arkansas Ave.
We will be meeting Sunday mornings at 10:30am, starting service at 10:45am and ending around noon.
Order of Service
We open with a reading from Scripture and prayer. We then sing traditional and contemporary hymns & songs with a time of congregational confession and prayer followed by singing and teaching from The Word.
Sermons (listen online)
The teaching style is based on the expository teaching approach:
An expositional sermon teaches verse-by-verse through a passage of Scripture, making that text the main point of the sermon and applying it to our daily life.
We observe The Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of each month, following the sermon.
We believe giving is a part of the life of worship but do not make it a specific part of our "worship service". Instead, we leave a basket in the back where tithes and offerings can be given.
We do have Sunday School classes available for most ages. Families are encouraged to worship together at Grace Bible Church, integrating children of all ages into the corporate worship of song, sharing, and teaching from The Word. A un-staffed nursery and nursing mothers room is available as needed.
Services at Grace Bible Church in Rolla are being held at 902 Arkansas Ave.
We will be meeting Sunday mornings at 10:30am, starting service at 10:45am and ending around noon.
Order of Service
We open with a reading from Scripture and prayer. We then sing traditional and contemporary hymns & songs with a time of congregational confession and prayer followed by singing and teaching from The Word.
Sermons (listen online)
The teaching style is based on the expository teaching approach:
An expositional sermon teaches verse-by-verse through a passage of Scripture, making that text the main point of the sermon and applying it to our daily life.
We observe The Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of each month, following the sermon.
We believe giving is a part of the life of worship but do not make it a specific part of our "worship service". Instead, we leave a basket in the back where tithes and offerings can be given.
We do have Sunday School classes available for most ages. Families are encouraged to worship together at Grace Bible Church, integrating children of all ages into the corporate worship of song, sharing, and teaching from The Word. A un-staffed nursery and nursing mothers room is available as needed.