- God is. And He is a rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him. (Heb. 11:6)
- The Bible, in both Old and New Testaments, is the Word of God. As such in the original writings, it is without error, mistake, and deceit. Every word is breathed-out from God and is therefore incapable of being wrong or untrue. Because the Bible is God’s Word it is our only rule for what we believe and how we ought to behave. (Ps. 19:7-9; Prov. 30:5; Jn. 17:17; 2 Tim. 3:16-17)
- That the One true and living God has revealed Himself to be a unity existing in trinity. God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The three Persons of the Godhead eternally self-exist in perfect unity. The Father is neither the Son nor the Spirit. The Son is neither the Father nor the Spirit. The Spirit is neither the Father nor the Son. They are distinct, yet One. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are co-equal, co-eternal, and co-existent and worthy of our highest praise. (Dt. 6:4; Ps. 110:1; Mt. 28:19; Mk. 1:9-11; 2 Cor. 3:14)
- That God the Father in unity with the Son and Spirit created the world out of nothing by the sheer power of His Word. He commanded and it was so. All creation exists to serve His good purposes and to manifest His glory. Furthermore, having created the world and everything in it, God through His Son and by His Spirit sustains and governs the world. He is in control. (Gn. 1; Ps. 33:6-9; Col. 1:16-17; Heb. 1:2-3)
- That God uniquely created man in His own image and likeness. Man has God-given capacities for relating with God and for reflecting the glory of God that no other creature possesses. Furthermore, knowing this to be true, we believe in the sanctity of human life from conception to final breath. (Gn. 1:26-31; Gn. 2:4-25; Ps. 139:13-16)
- That God is the Creator and Giver of Marriage. Therefore, He alone has the right and authority to define and design marriage according to His wisdom and will. He has revealed His wisdom and will for marriage in the Bible where we find that marriage is the covenantal, one-flesh union between one man and one woman for a lifetime. What God has joined together let no man separate or redefine. (Gen 2:18-24; Matt 19:1-6; Eph 5:22-33)
- That though God created man good and without sin, man (Adam) rebelled against God’s loving rule and disobeyed God’s command. The consequences of Adam’s sin are many. Not only does the created world suffer under the effects of sin, but all humanity as Adam’s offspring is now sinful by nature. Suffering, disease, futility, and death are all part of the effects of the Fall. The relationship with God for which we were created has been severed, and the image of God in us, though still present, has been marred, distorted, and darkened. We are not what we were meant to be. (Gn. 1:31, 3:1-24; Ps. 51:5; Rm. 1:21-25, 5:12-20, 8:19-22)
- That God sent forth His Only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to redeem and restore man from his fall into sin and judgement. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. Therefore, He is one Person with two natures. He is fully God and fully Man. And this was necessary for “only man sinned, and only God can save.” So, Jesus by His sinless life, sacrificial death on the cross, burial and bodily resurrection from the grave has purchased redemption and secured restoration for all His people. Therefore, “there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name given among men by which we must be saved.” (Mt. 1:18-23; Lk. 1:26-35; Jn. 1:1, 14, 17-18, 3:16; Acts 4:12; Rm. 3:24-26, 4:24-25; 1Cor. 15:3-4, 20)
- That faith in Christ and repentance from sin are gracious gifts from God that are absolutely necessary for salvation. All who repent and believe have been made alive by the Spirit of God and are indwelt, sealed and continually being sanctified by Him. (Lk. 24:46-48; Jn. 1:12-13, 3:3-8, 14-16, 20:30-31; Acts 17:30; Rm. 8:9-10, 10:9-10; Eph. 1:13, 2:8-9; 1 Pt. 1:2)
- That though every believer is a part of the universal church of Jesus Christ, God has called us to live out our faith in the community of a local church. The local church is called to faithfully preach the Word of God, care for one another, make disciples, administer the ordinances, give generously, and do good works all for the glory of God and with joy and thankfulness. (Mt. 28:18-20; Acts 2:42-47; Rm. 12:3-21; 1 Cor. 12:12-13; 2 Cor. 8:1-9, 9:6-12; Titus 3:1, 14; Heb. 10:24-25)
- That the two ordinances given to the church are baptism by water in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the Lord’s Supper/Communion. (Mt. 28:18-20; Acts 2:38; 1 Cor. 11:23-26)
- In the imminent, visible and personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the blessed hope of the church and the reason we are called to watchfulness and usefulness. (Mt. 24:36, 42, 44, 25:1-13; Jn. 14:3; Acts 1:6-11; Titus 2:13; 1 Jn. 3:2-3; Rev. 1:7, 19:11-16, 22:7,12,20)
- In the bodily resurrection from the dead, when the righteous in Christ will be raised unto eternal life in the presence of God and the rest of humanity will be raised unto eternal judgement in hell. (Dan. 12:2; Mt. 25:31-46; Jn. 5:28-29; 1 Cor. 15:20-21, 35-57; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Rev. 20:11-15)
- In the new heavens and new earth wherein dwells righteousness and the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the seas. God will make all things new and the great promise given to Abraham in the gospel will finally and forever be fulfilled: “The dwelling place of God will be with man. He will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself will be with them as their God!” (Is. 65:17, 66:22; Hab. 2:14; 2 Pet. 3:13 Rev. 21:1-5)